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History of Illinois

Illinois 1822

History of Illinois

Research Guide

Reference Works

Specialized reference works like the ones listed below are very useful for research. All of the titles here are located on the first floor of the Library. Browse around the same areas to find other useful titles.

For additional suggestions see the other research guides for American History.


The American Midwest, an Interpretive Encyclopedia 
Reference F 351 .A534
Early Chicago 
Reference F 541 .C55
Encyclopedia of Chicago 
Reference F 548.3 .E53
Illinois a Chronology and Documentary Handbook 
Reference F 541 .C55
The Midwest 
Reference F 351 .M59

Works in the General Collection

Search the Library Catalog to locate print and audio-visual materials.

Some suggested searches include searching by Illinois. Of course you can substitute any of the individual countries or regions that make up Illinois. There are other subheadings that may be of interest too. If you are not finding what you are looking for, consult the history librarian (information below) or the Reference Desk.

  • Illinois - History - [Time Period]
  • Illinois - History - [Event], example Illinois History Civil War
  • Illinois - Politics and Government - [Time Period]
  • Illinois - Social Life and Customs - [Time Period]
  • Illinois - Intellectual Life - [Time Period]

You can also search by topic. For example:

  • Blackhawk War
  • Great Fire, Chicago, Ill., 1871
  • Haymarket Square Riot
  • Pullman Strike

Some interesting sources in the general collection include:

Illinois Historical and Statistical 
F 541 .M9 1895
Illinois Historical Collections 
F 536 .I25
Territorial Papers of the United States
Illinois Territory : F 545 .T47 1948
Transactions of the Illinois Historical Society 
F 536 .T72


Local and state magazines are seldom included in indexes and databases. You will need to browse trough them for information. Some titles in the C.O.D. library to look at include:

Illinois Archaeological News
Illinois Archaeology, Journal of the Illinois Archaeological Survey
Illinois Heritage
Illinois Historical Journal
Illinois History
Illinois Issues
Journal of Illinois History
Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society 
Has an index available. Continued by Illinois Historical Journal

Books from Other Libraries

You have many choices for locating books not owned by College of DuPage.

You can of course check your local public library. Make sure the books are scholarly in nature.

You can also search World Cat. World Cat lists books from all over the United States. These books can be ordered via Inter Library Loan. While in the World Cat record just click on Find This! You will be able to search the C.O.D. Catalog and then fill out the Inter Library Loan request form if the item is not available from C.O.D.

We also have reciprocal borrowing arrangements with our four local liberal arts colleges: Wheaton, Elmhurst, Benedictine, and North Central.

Online Books

The Library Catalog contains access to many eBooks. Use the same suggested searches above, but limit or modify your search to the location eBook or Reference eBook. These online books were chosen with the same care as other books in the collection. Some of the history databases also have books or parts of books in them. You may also want to check some of the titles on the Online Books page.

Ken Orenic, Reference Librarian

September 2012

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